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3005 results 50 ms in manticoresoftware/manticoresearch

sql_joined_field charset

…of two tables, each with one line of Cyrillic text. utf8mb4…to use data from sql_joined_field in stored_fields, we…of Cyrillic from all sql_joined_field: Manticore 6.0.4…

madgreen1madgreen1 · 2023-07-13 · 9 · #1153



sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-07-17 · 15 · #1673



…is to implement INNER/LEFT JOIN functionality with the following…cannot do select *, (nums2.n + 3) * n from nums left join…supported. Same with select * ... join ... , i.e. you won'…&cid=C7NSLK1NE) Grouping by joined JSON attributes that generate multiple…

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-03-06

JOIN: stored fields from the joined table

…'); select * from people left join surname on people.surname_id…-------------- select * from people left join surname on people.surname_id….surname from people left join surname on people.surname….surname from people left join surname on people.surname…

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-05-23 · 1 · #1915



sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-07-17 · 15 · #1673



…it possible to do a join between distributed indexes…as well ? When I'm trying to do…a join between tables on…are inside the distributed ones), it returns result as…both left/inner join on a distributed level…

TomislavAnastasovskiTomislavAnastasovski · 2024-06-10

Filter by joined expression

…on an operand from the joined table, you can't…n cond from nums inner join nums2 on nums2.id = nums…n cond from nums inner join nums2 on nums2.id = nums…n cond from nums inner join nums2 on nums2.id = nums…n cond from nums inner join nums2 on nums2.id =…

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-03-19 · 1 · #1919


sql_joined_field can't be stored

…sql_joined_field's name…select 1, 'abc' doc sql_joined_field = tag from query; select…1, 'joined' } index idx { path = idx…> select * from idx where match('joined'); ------ ------ ------ | id | doc | tag | ------ ------ ------ | 1…

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2022-09-16 · 5 · #470



JOIN via JSON request

donhardmandonhardman · 2024-09-13 · 13 · #2208


…use: { "join": [ { "type": "inner", "table": "another", "on": [ { "left": { "table": "one", "field": "id…join syntax: The join property is an array that contains one or more join…objects. Each join object represents a…

donhardmandonhardman · 2024-06-13

Fixed several join-related issues: join vs json facets, join vs json count distinct, joined OR filters; added better error reporting for join queries

Fixed several join-related issues: join vs json facets, join vs json count distinct, joined OR filters; added better error reporting for join queries

glookkaglookka · 2024-03-25 · 3 · #1997

JOIN via JSON request

donhardmandonhardman · 2024-09-13 · 13 · #2208


…could do something like this (nested query in the join object array…", "query": { ... }, "join": [ { "type": "inner", "table": "another", "query": { ... }, "on": [ { "left": { "table": "one", "field…

glookkaglookka · 2024-07-11

Added support for joined stored fields

Added support for joined stored fields

glookkaglookka · 2024-03-12 · 3 · #1944

Manticoresearch crashes with memory issues

RyDoReRyDoRe · 2024-08-30 · 12 · #2525


…identical. We use joins with the sql_joined_field in some of…, to see if there is one specific shard that fails.

RyDoReRyDoRe · 2024-08-28

Simplify expressions with operands from the joined table

…with an operand from the joined table, you need to…x * n from nums left join nums2 on nums2.id = nums…x * n from nums left join nums2 on nums2.id = nums…3) * n from nums left join nums2 on nums2.id = nums…3) * n from nums left join nums2 on nums2.id = nums…

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-03-19 · 0 · #1918


Lookup for vector in different index while searching for similar docs.

starinacoolstarinacool · 2024-09-10 · 11 · #2351


If joining can lookup a vector from index A and find similar docs in table B then it will work. But I do not see how it could be done with joins.…

starinacoolstarinacool · 2024-07-02

Fixed multiple groupby on joined json attrs

Fixed multiple groupby on joined json attrs

glookkaglookka · 2024-03-15 · 3 · #1968

Manticoresearch crashes with memory issues

RyDoReRyDoRe · 2024-08-30 · 12 · #2525


do your data sources share the same schema? do you use joins or any other kind of data depends on each other?

tomatologtomatolog · 2024-08-28

where joined_table.id = 1 or joined_table.id = 2

select * from t inner join t2 on t.id = t2.…', 1); select * from t inner join t2 on t.id = t2…sec) -------------- select * from t inner join t2 on t.id = t2…() works: select * from t inner join t2 on t.id = t2…

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-03-21 · 2 · #1978



sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-07-17 · 15 · #1673



is it possible to do a join between distributed indexes as well ? No.…

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-06-14

Fixed calculation of presort/prefilter expressions that depend on joined attributes

Fixed calculation of presort/prefilter expressions that depend on joined attributes

glookkaglookka · 2024-06-21 · 0 · #2325

Lookup for vector in different index while searching for similar docs.

starinacoolstarinacool · 2024-09-10 · 11 · #2351


…'s an example of knn + joined tables + ordering by knn + filtering…by string in the joined table: mysql> drop table if…(), test2.color from test left join test2 on test2.id = test…(), test2.color from test left join test2 on test2.id = test…

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-07-02

Implement multi-threaded faceted join queries

…multi-threaded execution of facet join queries. Multi-threaded execution…several sorters in the joined query, join multi sorter replaces the…valid pointers inside the multi join sorter. This can be…pointers or by leaving one multisorter and changing the…

glookkaglookka · 2024-03-27 · 0 · #1992



sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-07-17 · 15 · #1673



Hello @sanikolaev, is it possible to do a join between distributed indexes as well ? Similar question here https://t.me/manticore_chat/1/14326

manticoresearchmanticoresearch · 2024-07-17

FACET by MVA from the joined table is not working

…an mva attribute in a joined table, it works wrong grouping…,2); select * from tbl left join tbl2 on tbl.tbl2_id…sec) -------------- select * from tbl left join tbl2 on tbl.tbl2_id…--- It works fine w/o JOIN: select * from tbl2 facet m…

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-03-15 · 1 · #1967



sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-07-17 · 15 · #1673



…, 'a'); select * from a left join b on b.a_id…sec) -------------- select * from a left join b on b.a_id…, 123); select * from a left join b on b.a_id…sec) -------------- select * from a left join b on b.a_id…

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-03-05

Join cache and batching

…, count(*) c, test_join.name FROM taxi1 JOIN test_join ON taxi1.trip…_type=test_join.gid GROUP…) N times we can run one query ( select id, name from…) is faster than pushing matches one by one. This approach has the…

glookkaglookka · 2024-03-06 · 0 · #1897


Lookup for vector in different index while searching for similar docs.

starinacoolstarinacool · 2024-09-10 · 11 · #2351


…your case? Can they be joined by id or smth else?

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-07-04

Fixed join vs distinct facets; fixed join vs implicit groupby

Fixed join vs distinct facets; fixed join vs implicit groupby

glookkaglookka · 2024-05-28 · 0 · #2243


sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-07-17 · 15 · #1673



…1); select id from tbl1 join tbl2 on tbl1.id=tbl2…1) -------------- -------------- select id from tbl1 join tbl2 on tbl1.id=tbl2…1); select id from tbl1 join tbl2 on tbl1.id=tbl2…1) -------------- -------------- select id from tbl1 join tbl2 on tbl1.id=tbl2…

PavelShilin89PavelShilin89 · 2024-03-08

JOIN multiple tables

The task is to add support for joining multiple tables, so it's possible to execute queries like: select * from people left join names on people.name_id = names.id left join surnames on people.surname_id = surnames.id

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-03-06 · 1 · #1916


joiner error message empty then try to join another replication version

tomatologtomatolog · 2024-06-26 · 2 · #1789


…/b35fded112e85bf8755735ebf1dd8e72a6726cbb that node prior to join by the statement or on…different versions joiner fails to join with the error message returned…

tomatologtomatolog · 2024-06-25

Implemented mixed filters in JOIN (from left and right tables with a filter tree); fixed misc join-related issues; added specialized join filters

Implemented mixed filters in JOIN (from left and right tables with a filter tree); fixed misc join-related issues; added specialized join filters

glookkaglookka · 2024-04-30 · 0 · #2113

Jieba integration

oabuoabu · 2024-09-19 · 23 · #931



Unfortunately, the tasks mentioned above, involving JOIN and secondary indexes, took much longer than expected. The Jieba integration is still in our near-term plans and on the roadmap.

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-07-22


…is to implement INNER/LEFT JOIN functionality with the following limitations…* from purchases AS p left join articles AS a ON a…

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-07-17 · 15 · #1673



Implement Protection Flags for Tables and Clusters

donhardmandonhardman · 2024-06-26 · 13 · #1423

…that will conflicts with the JOIN patch that lives in the…to continue this work after JOIN will be merged into master…

tomatologtomatolog · 2024-02-28

Default path on join cluster

…our next step, we'll join the cluster using the current…. The command is as follows: JOIN CLUSTER c2 at '127.0…) would function in this manner: JOIN CLUSTER c2 at '127.0…

donhardmandonhardman · 2023-09-06 · 1 · #1366


Implement Protection Flags for Tables and Clusters

donhardmandonhardman · 2024-06-26 · 13 · #1423

JOIN is now in the master. Unblocked.

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-05-16

Implemented table join

Implemented table join

glookkaglookka · 2024-03-08 · 44 · #1855

String equal in JOIN

mitshmitsh · 2024-06-19 · 6 · #2287


…, 'a'); select * from j left join j2 on j2.id = j…sec) -------------- select * from j left join j2 on j2.id = j…

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-06-07


String equal in JOIN

…you support string match in join queries? I share my query…it. SELECT * FROM `programs` LEFT JOIN `program_infos` ON `programs`.id…

mitshmitsh · 2024-06-19 · 6 · #2287


Complete integration with Kibana

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-09-18 · 30 · #832


I'd like to join kibana integration beta-testing :slightly_smiling_face:

deathaltdeathalt · 2024-02-05


Using expression returns a wrong value for a joined table

anStalfanStalf · 2024-07-18 · 2 · #2414


…, a * b2 from j left join j2 on j.id = j2…, a * b2 from j left join j2 on j.id = j2…

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-07-16