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539 results 16 ms in manticoresoftware/manticoresearch-php

Updated the mock init logic in strategy tests

Nick-S-2018Nick-S-2018 · 2024-01-12 · 0 · #187

How to set match mode to SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2 ?

marios88marios88 · 2022-12-15 · 2 · #105

SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2 was temporary even in Sphinx. It's not supported in Manticore, at least officially (nothing about it in the docs https://manual.manticoresearch.com/) You can use option() to specify search options including ranking options. See https …

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2022-12-15

NICK will remove https://github.com/manticoresoftware/manticoresearch-php/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md


sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-04-05 · 1 · #202

How to set match mode to SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2 ?

marios88marios88 · 2022-12-15 · 2 · #105

Thank you @sanikolaev for helpful insight and quick reply. For anyone interested here is my current code for emulating the old SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2 match mode used in an autocomplete system $search_string = 'ragon fire'; // needs to match "dragon fireplace …

marios88marios88 · 2022-12-15

NICK will fix the example related with "new Match"

In the docs we say: However new Match is not working: PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected token "match", expecting ":" in /Users/sn/test.php on line 18 As discussed, we need to update the docs.

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-04-05 · 1 · #203

Update vs replace vs partial replace

stevenbrookesstevenbrookes · 2024-09-02 · 9 · #216

Have you tried REPLACE + SET?

djklim87djklim87 · 2024-09-02

Composite aggregation

We need to include the new functionality in the JSON interface - composite aggregation - https://manual.manticoresearch.com/dev/Searching/Grouping#GROUP-BY-multiple-fields-at-once

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-04-10 · 1 · #204

Update vs replace vs partial replace

stevenbrookesstevenbrookes · 2024-09-02 · 9 · #216

No I haven't - is there an API call for that - can you point me to the documentation? I'd like to avoid making two round trips to the server to in effect get the current record and then set the modified record. I only want to change one attribute in the …

stevenbrookesstevenbrookes · 2024-09-02

PER2.0 Code Style

Follow PER2.0 (https://www.php-fig.org/per/coding-style/). Fixes #137.

aivchenaivchen · 2023-10-24 · 0 · #147

Update vs replace vs partial replace

stevenbrookesstevenbrookes · 2024-09-02 · 9 · #216

there is no update for columnar attributes that is why you should get the full row from the dockstore back to client or buddy then post the full document back via replace . That is why you have to use https://manual.manticoresearch.com/dev/Data_creation_ …

tomatologtomatolog · 2024-09-02

Switch to manticoresoftware/php-code-standard coding standard

Switch from PSR-2 to PSR-12. Fixes #137.

aivchenaivchen · 2024-01-17 · 4 · #148


Update vs replace vs partial replace

stevenbrookesstevenbrookes · 2024-09-02 · 9 · #216

Could you comment on partial replace mentioned here https://manual.manticoresearch.com/Data_creation_and_modification/Updating_documents/REPLACE#JSON-REPLACE Partial replace: POST //_update/ { "": , ... "<fieldN>": <valueN> } That seems to do what I want …

stevenbrookesstevenbrookes · 2024-09-02

Server path

Currently there is no way to specify a path in the connection config. For example, if my manticore server is behind nginx proxy and I want to access to it via http://localhost/manticore there is no way to do it. Would be cool to have something like this: …

aivchenaivchen · 2023-10-18 · 4 · #135


Update vs replace vs partial replace

stevenbrookesstevenbrookes · 2024-09-02 · 9 · #216

here is a update example https://github.com/manticoresoftware/manticoresearch-php/tree/bc22ea5b2f18e755dd751da9a24d0c5440569f8d?tab=readme-ov-file#update-documents

tomatologtomatolog · 2024-09-02

Fix limit unit test

When we test limit method we should not care about returned content. We just should check number of returned results.

aivchenaivchen · 2024-01-12 · 0 · #149


Update vs replace vs partial replace

stevenbrookesstevenbrookes · 2024-09-02 · 9 · #216

That endpoint seems to use POST /json/update whereas partial replace is POST /json/_update I dunno if they are the same thing internally to manticore though. I think I'll run a test using Postman and see what that shows.

stevenbrookesstevenbrookes · 2024-09-02

Explicitly specified the list of supported php versions

Line "php": ">=7.1" is too wide in composer.json . It means that we support major versions of php that haven't even been released yet. But we can't guarantee that the library will work on php 9. It's better to explicitly specify the supported versions.

aivchenaivchen · 2024-01-12 · 0 · #150


Update vs replace vs partial replace

stevenbrookesstevenbrookes · 2024-09-02 · 9 · #216

missed that you asked about /_update/ that endpoint added just to Kibana compatibility and for now it works at daemon the same way as REPLACE + SET but in the further all Kibana related endpoints will go into Buddy

tomatologtomatolog · 2024-09-02

Specified missing php versions in php versions matrix

aivchenaivchen · 2024-01-12 · 0 · #151


Update vs replace vs partial replace

stevenbrookesstevenbrookes · 2024-09-02 · 9 · #216

_update does not have mapping into any API

tomatologtomatolog · 2024-09-02

Validate document on nulls in fields before we insert, update or replace

donhardmandonhardman · 2024-01-17 · 0 · #188

Update vs replace vs partial replace

stevenbrookesstevenbrookes · 2024-09-02 · 9 · #216

Ah OK. Thanks for the support. I guess a get/set approach is the best we can do for the moment.

stevenbrookesstevenbrookes · 2024-09-02

Specify more strict package versions in composer.json

aivchenaivchen · 2024-01-12 · 0 · #152


getDocumentByIds doees not work: "self" in callables is deprecated

donhardmandonhardman · 2024-04-26 · 3 · #170


This should be fixed in https://github.com/manticoresoftware/manticoresearch-php/pull/172

donhardmandonhardman · 2023-12-05

Introduced "path" option

Fixes #135 The only problem is testing. I didn't find an easy way to test url building functionality. @sanikolaev can you help with it?

aivchenaivchen · 2023-10-17 · 1 · #136

getDocumentByIds doees not work: "self" in callables is deprecated

donhardmandonhardman · 2024-04-26 · 3 · #170


We need to update the readme correspondingly.

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2023-12-05

Implement partial replace

We need the php client to support the 'partial replace' feature recently added to Manticore.

Nick-S-2018Nick-S-2018 · 2024-04-17 · 1 · #206


getDocumentByIds doees not work: "self" in callables is deprecated

donhardmandonhardman · 2024-04-26 · 3 · #170


Done in https://github.com/manticoresoftware/manticoresearch-php/commit/9433630bbd7fc2234717f28898c3c10b597106e8

Nick-S-2018Nick-S-2018 · 2024-04-26

PHP Code Style

As I see php code style is very various across the project. How about replacing PHP_CodeSniffer with Php-Cs-Fixer? The latter is very flexible, easy to set up and allows to fine tune almost any aspect of php code. Also I see that PHP_CodeSniffer is …

aivchenaivchen · 2024-01-17 · 8 · #137

The first request is not search request if using basic auth

vipercs90vipercs90 · 2024-04-26 · 8 · #146


in Manticoresearch\Transport\Http if ($connection->getConfig('username') !== null && $connection->getConfig('password') !== null) { curl_setopt($conn, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY); <------- this added request curl_setopt( $conn, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $ …

vipercs90vipercs90 · 2023-10-19

Replace self with static

donhardmandonhardman · 2023-12-05 · 0 · #172

The first request is not search request if using basic auth

vipercs90vipercs90 · 2024-04-26 · 8 · #146


Hello @vipercs90 Sorry I don't understand the issue. The first query is not a search query, where does it come from? (n+1 requests) What query do you mean? This one?

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2023-10-20

Use the lowest supported php version in Dockerfile

When we run composer require or composer install we need to be sure it works on the lowest supported php version.

aivchenaivchen · 2024-01-12 · 0 · #153


The first request is not search request if using basic auth

vipercs90vipercs90 · 2024-04-26 · 8 · #146



vipercs90vipercs90 · 2023-10-20

ResponseException with message ""\"in\" filter should contain an array of values for not sequencial ids

The getDocumentByIds method throws an exception when the list of IDs passed to it is a filtered array, meaning it doesn't have an element at index 0. Here's the pseudo code to reproduce: $ids = [1 => 123]; $docs = $index->getDocumentByIds($ids); We can …

donhardmandonhardman · 2023-12-08 · 1 · #173

The first request is not search request if using basic auth

vipercs90vipercs90 · 2024-04-26 · 8 · #146


Curl sends two requests to the server instead of one. because of this curl_setopt($conn, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_ANY); The first request with this option is always without authorization data Lots of 401s cause the firewall to block traffic I apologize …

vipercs90vipercs90 · 2023-10-20

Removed useless commands from dockerfiles

Removed commands were running on docker build step therefore they were not affecting the project in any way

aivchenaivchen · 2024-01-12 · 0 · #154


Add JOIN support

donhardmandonhardman · 2024-08-06 · 2 · #210


Blocked by: https://github.com/manticoresoftware/manticoresearch/issues/2208

donhardmandonhardman · 2024-05-21

`getDocumentByIds` returns not all documents when size of array > 20

This code only retrieves 20 documents, and currently, we don't have the option to chain a limit setting in the Client. However, I believe we shouldn't need to. We have an array of IDs, which should allow us to determine the necessary limit to fetch all …

donhardmandonhardman · 2023-12-12 · 3 · #174


The first request is not search request if using basic auth

vipercs90vipercs90 · 2024-04-26 · 8 · #146


Thanks. It's clear now. We'll look into this. If you can think of a change which fixes this, feel free to make a pull request.

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2023-10-20