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258 results 14 ms in manticoresoftware/docker


djklim87djklim87 · 2024-02-12 · 0 · #74

Improve flexibility of configuration via env. vars

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-08-12 · 6 · #47


Done in https://github.com/manticoresoftware/docker/pull/56

djklim87djklim87 · 2023-11-14

Add CI for CLT tests in docker

djklim87djklim87 · 2023-10-31 · 6 · #48

Improve flexibility of configuration via env. vars

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-08-12 · 6 · #47


Reopening since the CI failed https://github.com/manticoresoftware/docker/actions/runs/6947961151/job/18902901514

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2023-11-22

Store required packages as github assets

Proposal: It should work like the below Before Docker build we call the Assets mirroring step where we copy desired packages to assets For each package that we release we put to GitHub assets (via some actions) We put all packages into some maintenance …

djklim87djklim87 · 2024-09-10 · 0 · #92


Improve flexibility of configuration via env. vars

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-08-12 · 6 · #47


I just rerun job and all fine now. It happens sometimes. Maybe because cronjob complete at the same second as container runs

djklim87djklim87 · 2023-11-22

Clt tests

Don't forget to update when Buddy issue will fixed build-args: | ARCH=amd DEV=1

djklim87djklim87 · 2023-10-25 · 0 · #49

Improve flexibility of configuration via env. vars

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-08-12 · 6 · #47


It's not working for me: snikolaev@dev2:~$ docker run -e searchd_listen='9307:mysql' -e EXTRA=1 --name manticore --rm -d manticoresearch/manticore:dev && echo "Waiting for Manticore docker to start. Consider mapping the data_dir to make it start faster …

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2023-11-23

Test/query log to stdout

Increased timeout time in order to stabilize the test.

PavelShilin89PavelShilin89 · 2023-12-05 · 0 · #66

Improve flexibility of configuration via env. vars

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-08-12 · 6 · #47


Done in https://github.com/manticoresoftware/docker/commit/5d426e5ea4c54a13ee78aafd1a374554a48821c2

djklim87djklim87 · 2023-11-23

apt install tzdata in Dockerfile

Otherwise manticore-tzdata doesn't function properly since /etc/localtime doens't persist.

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-02-14 · 0 · #75

Improve flexibility of configuration via env. vars

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-08-12 · 6 · #47


seems this fix is cause of the inconsistency in the env option of the docker \ docker-compose file that cause the issue https://github.com/manticoresoftware/manticoresearch/issues/2500 ie the docker-compose.yaml that allows to issue CLUSTER CREATE well …

tomatologtomatolog · 2024-08-12

Test Postgres + Docker

Proposal: I prepared a test case to test Postgres with Docker, which looks more like what can be in production, compared to this test. You can find the discussion and test case here: https://github.com/manticoresoftware/manticoresearch/discussions/1801# …

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-09-17 · 2 · #88


Manticore has lost its index

simonszusimonszu · 2024-09-11 · 14 · #91

waiting for reply

Manticore indexes should be mounted to /var/lib/manticore if you provide your docker-compose or docker run command, it will be easier to understand what you are doing wrong Also docker logs can be useful

djklim87djklim87 · 2024-09-04

Integration Test for PostgreSQL and Manticore using Docker

Type of Change: Enhancement - Integration Test for PostgreSQL and Manticore using Docker Description of the Change: Integration Test for PostgreSQL and Manticore using Docker This test validates the correct interaction between PostgreSQL and Manticore …

PavelShilin89PavelShilin89 · 2024-09-17 · 1 · #93

Manticore has lost its index

simonszusimonszu · 2024-09-11 · 14 · #91

waiting for reply

It seems I'm not the only one having this issue. @simonszu Manticore indexes should be mounted to /var/lib/manticore They indeed are! if you provide your docker-compose or docker run command, it will be easier to understand what you are doing wrong …

alsoGAMERalsoGAMER · 2024-09-04

Improvement of IP recognition

djklim87djklim87 · 2024-09-16 · 0 · #94

Manticore has lost its index

simonszusimonszu · 2024-09-11 · 14 · #91

waiting for reply

@djklim87 I am deploying my containers via Ansible. I'm sure that this particular ansible playbook task is verbose enough to anyone not familiar with ansible to see how the containers are started. - name: Start container for manticore docker_container: …

simonszusimonszu · 2024-09-04

Backup-related changes

INITED was calculated wrong in the entrypoint we need to put both manticore.conf.sh and just manticore.conf to MANTICORE_CONFIG

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-02-24 · 0 · #83

Manticore has lost its index

simonszusimonszu · 2024-09-11 · 14 · #91

waiting for reply

These are the logs of manticore. Please notice that the visible restart of the container happened after i discovered the empty indices, so this is not the root cause of the indices being empty. I do not have the errors/warnings which @alsoGAMER mentioned, …

alsoGAMERalsoGAMER · 2024-09-04

Running with --network=host produces FATAL

[box@github ~]$ docker run --rm --network host manticoresearch/manticore:dev-6.2.13-69cd5a6 hostname: Name or service not known [Thu Dec 7 07:19:35.174 2023] [1] using config file '/etc/manticoresearch/manticore.conf.sh' (375 chars)... starting daemon …

donhardmandonhardman · 2024-09-16 · 8 · #67


Prepare for building multi-arch docker

githubmanticoregithubmanticore · 2023-02-08 · 5 · #25

➤ Sergey Nikolaev commented: https://gitlab.com/manticoresearch/docker/-/issues/4#note_1224959266

githubmanticoregithubmanticore · 2023-01-03

Improve flexibility of configuration via env. vars

Currently it's possible to configure searchd via env. vars, but it's limited by only those settings that are hardcoded in manticore.conf , so some new and undocumented settings are not working, e.g. -e searchd_query_log_commands=1 . The task is to …

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-08-12 · 6 · #47


Prepare for building multi-arch docker

githubmanticoregithubmanticore · 2023-02-08 · 5 · #25

➤ Sergey Nikolaev commented: https://gitlab.com/manticoresearch/docker/-/issues/4#note_1224959266

githubmanticoregithubmanticore · 2023-01-02

Fix entrypoint for backup restore

We should follow the common logic used in most popular repositories for restoring data. Let's adapt it to only restore on the first initialization and display a warning if we have a backup but it's already initialized.

donhardmandonhardman · 2024-02-20 · 2 · #76


Manticore has lost its index

simonszusimonszu · 2024-09-11 · 14 · #91

waiting for reply

I did neither restart nor recreate the container, the index was lost during regular operations, that is: piler accessing the manticore instance.

simonszusimonszu · 2024-09-04

Improve entrypoint to handle backup restore on first start only

donhardmandonhardman · 2024-02-20 · 0 · #77

Manticore has lost its index

simonszusimonszu · 2024-09-11 · 14 · #91

waiting for reply

you need to provide daemon logs since you have your indexes and till these vanished

tomatologtomatolog · 2024-09-05

manticore-backup is not working

The official full backup instruction is not working: ➜ ~ docker pull manticoresearch/manticore:dev dev: Pulling from manticoresearch/manticore ➜ ~ docker run -e EXTRA=1 --name manticore -v $(pwd)/data:/var/lib/manticore -p -d …

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-02-19 · 3 · #79


Manticore has lost its index

simonszusimonszu · 2024-09-11 · 14 · #91

waiting for reply

You map your volume to the docker volume, instead of mapping to the local filesystem. So docker-compose down probably can remove your image manticore: image: manticoresearch/manticore:6.3.6 ..... volumes: - ./data/manticore.conf:/etc/manticoresearch/ …

djklim87djklim87 · 2024-09-05

Incorrect docker mount point

In README.md instruction mount point for data is incorrect: $(pwd)/data:/var/lib/manticore/data/ https://github.com/manticoresoftware/docker/blob/355202bf0757dfcb0d0cba850f8ae6905b666ea0/README.md?plain=1#L51 Manticore stores data in /var/lib/manticore/, …

lehhalehha · 2021-12-25 · 1 · #16

Manticore has lost its index

simonszusimonszu · 2024-09-11 · 14 · #91

waiting for reply

@tomatolog where do i find these logs? I have already provided my docker logs from the container. Are there any other logs which are not sent to STDOUT by manticore itself?

simonszusimonszu · 2024-09-05

Default volume for data dir

djklim87djklim87 · 2024-05-14 · 0 · #86

Manticore has lost its index

simonszusimonszu · 2024-09-11 · 14 · #91

waiting for reply

@tomatolog where do i find these logs? I have already provided my docker logs from the container. Are there any other logs which are not sent to STDOUT by manticore itself? cat /var/lib/manticore/manticore.log

djklim87djklim87 · 2024-09-05


sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-02-27 · 0 · #84

Manticore has lost its index

simonszusimonszu · 2024-09-11 · 14 · #91

waiting for reply

OK, this is the log, nothing new besides the STDOUT log: [Mon Sep 2 14:33:23.719 2024] [1] starting daemon version '6.3.2 c296dc7c8@24062606' ... [Mon Sep 2 14:33:23.720 2024] [1] listening on all interfaces for sphinx and http(s), port=9312 [Mon Sep 2 14 …

simonszusimonszu · 2024-09-06

Consider VOLUME /var/lib/manticore

Think through it and think how it can help. E.g. can it alleviate the EXTRA=1 thing?

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-05-14 · 3 · #82

Prepare for building multi-arch docker

githubmanticoregithubmanticore · 2023-02-08 · 5 · #25

➤ Klim Todrik commented: https://gitlab.com/manticoresearch/docker/-/issues/4#note_1221162523

githubmanticoregithubmanticore · 2022-12-26

Update bug_report.yml

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-05-30 · 0 · #87

Manticore has lost its index

simonszusimonszu · 2024-09-11 · 14 · #91

waiting for reply

It's the same for me too

alsoGAMERalsoGAMER · 2024-09-06