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    • array(10) { ["id"]=> int(235329798) ["org_id"]=> int(28798446) ["name"]=> string(19) "manticoresearch-php" ["issues"]=> int(93) ["pull_requests"]=> int(112) ["expected_issues"]=> int(195) ["is_indexing"]=> bool(true) ["comments"]=> int(354) ["updated_at"]=> int(1720418059) ["indexed_percentage"]=> float(105.13) }
    • array(10) { ["id"]=> int(343648351) ["org_id"]=> int(28798446) ["name"]=> string(8) "columnar" ["issues"]=> int(53) ["pull_requests"]=> int(28) ["expected_issues"]=> int(66) ["is_indexing"]=> bool(true) ["comments"]=> int(222) ["updated_at"]=> int(1721102579) ["indexed_percentage"]=> float(122.73) }
    • array(10) { ["id"]=> int(256103013) ["org_id"]=> int(28798446) ["name"]=> string(18) "manticoresearch-go" ["issues"]=> int(3) ["pull_requests"]=> int(2) ["expected_issues"]=> int(5) ["is_indexing"]=> bool(true) ["comments"]=> int(7) ["updated_at"]=> int(1713962567) ["indexed_percentage"]=> float(100) }
    • array(10) { ["id"]=> int(118498743) ["org_id"]=> int(28798446) ["name"]=> string(6) "docker" ["issues"]=> int(42) ["pull_requests"]=> int(48) ["expected_issues"]=> int(88) ["is_indexing"]=> bool(true) ["comments"]=> int(144) ["updated_at"]=> int(1721677270) ["indexed_percentage"]=> float(102.27) }
    • array(10) { ["id"]=> int(532845922) ["org_id"]=> int(28798446) ["name"]=> string(22) "manticoresearch-backup" ["issues"]=> int(40) ["pull_requests"]=> int(96) ["expected_issues"]=> int(118) ["is_indexing"]=> bool(true) ["comments"]=> int(263) ["updated_at"]=> int(1720680263) ["indexed_percentage"]=> float(115.25) }
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    • array(10) { ["id"]=> int(605419213) ["org_id"]=> int(28798446) ["name"]=> string(10) "buddy-core" ["issues"]=> int(3) ["pull_requests"]=> int(61) ["expected_issues"]=> int(63) ["is_indexing"]=> bool(true) ["comments"]=> int(7) ["updated_at"]=> int(1721213804) ["indexed_percentage"]=> float(101.59) }
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    • array(10) { ["id"]=> int(532842713) ["org_id"]=> int(28798446) ["name"]=> string(8) "executor" ["issues"]=> int(17) ["pull_requests"]=> int(53) ["expected_issues"]=> int(61) ["is_indexing"]=> bool(true) ["comments"]=> int(22) ["updated_at"]=> int(1717669197) ["indexed_percentage"]=> float(114.75) }
1704 results 14 ms in manticoresoftware/manticoresearch

/dev/ -> / in the docs

Some links in the docs point to https://manual.manticoresearch.com/dev/ , e.g. https://github.com/manticoresoftware/manticoresearch-php/blob/115d864a0bcc9d29a1af868a5a13a72fa0ab2df1/docs/searchclass.md#knn Let's update them after the next release of …

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-05-29 · 2 · #1867


The index is damaged after being killed by the system.

The physical machine runs a docker service, and only 1.1G of memory space remains. Start a manticore instance 3.5.2 version. A 2G memory limit is specified for this container. create table test ( .... ) rt_mem_limit='512m' Create an index, and then …

donbing007donbing007 · 2021-01-26 · 4 · #485

Elasticsearch /_update/ endpoint does not escape text columns

Bug Description: CREATE TABLE my_table(test text, test2 int); INSERT INTO my_table VALUES(1234, 'test\'', 0); curl -X POST -d '{ "doc": { "test2": 1 } }' Expected result is a successfully updated document, current …

duk-37duk-37 · 2024-07-26 · 1 · #2447


How to display index name in results using distributed tables?

Example usage: { "index":"global_table", "profile": true, "query": { "match_phrase": {"_all": "John Doe"} }, "_source": ["*"], "sort": [ "_score" ], "limit": 1000 } Results are returned without the name of index, where tha result is actually coming from. …

terion-nameterion-name · 2024-02-05 · 0 · #1795

show plan wrong for RT index

show plan output is valid for plain index or RT index without RAM segments but with the single disk chunk. But for RT index with multiple disk chunks every disk chunks reset previously collected execution plan and dump its own. It could be better to …

tomatologtomatolog · 2024-03-12 · 1 · #1923

Manticore crushed with errors

Describe the bug manticoresearch suddenly crushed To Reproduce create a real-time table contains some fulltext columns insert 30 million test data drop one of the fulltext column Expected behavior the table drops this column successfully and no suddenly …

VickcleVickcle · 2024-02-02 · 6 · #1782


Escape is not working for HTTP and SQL

Bug Description: For index as following: #DROP TABLE testx; MySQL [(none)]> CREATE TABLE testx(content text) morphology='stem_en'; MySQL [(none)]> INSERT INTO testx(content) VALUES('the next test gen'); MySQL [(none)]> INSERT INTO testx(content) VALUES(' …

scruelscruel · 2024-05-16 · 4 · #2131


Secondary indexes for json attributes don't work with in() expressions

Bug Description: Secondary indexes are not used when running the following queries with json attributes: select id, any(x='val0' for x in j.arr) a from t where a>0; show meta; select id, in(j.arr, 'val0') a from t where a>0; show meta; select id, in(j[' …

glookkaglookka · 2024-07-08 · 1 · #2381


where joined_table.id = 1 or joined_table.id = 2

select * from t inner join t2 on t.id = t2.t_id where t2.id = 1 or t2.id = 2 returns an empty result which is wrong: mysql> drop table if exists t; create table t(f text); insert into t values(1, 'abc'); drop table if exists t2; create table t2(t_id int, …

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2024-03-21 · 2 · #1978


mysqldump export error

Trying to make logical dump with mysqldump : mysqldump -h0 -P9306 manticore > index.sql Dump creating but with following errors: mysqldump: Error: 'P01: syntax error, unexpected SELECT, expecting integer or string or '-' near 'SELECT DISTINCT LOGFILE_ …

d47081d47081 · 2024-01-09 · 5 · #1652


Convert Sphinx 3.3.1 Config to Latest Manticore Package with Plaintext Feature and Performance Optimization

Confirmation Checklist: You have searched for an answer in the manual. You have considered using the forum for general discussions, which can be more suitable for non-urgent or broad queries. You are aware of our community support channels on Slack, …

syrian2012syrian2012 · 2024-06-18 · 1 · #2276



Currently mass inserts into a Manticore real-time table require batching for better performance. The task is to implement the INSERT DELAYED SQL command which would work as follows: INSERT DELAYED ... gets routed to Buddy Buddy saves the documents …

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2023-12-05 · 8 · #1493


Unable to run Manticore after installation via Homebrew on Mac 14.2

Describe the bug I installed manticore using Homebrew according to the installation instructions on my Mac 14.2, but I could not start searchd due to errors related to libonig.5.dylib . To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: brew install …

discretepacketsdiscretepackets · 2023-12-19 · 2 · #1684

Update timestamp by NOW()

Hello UPDATE some_index SET added = NOW() WHERE id=1; ERROR 1064 (42000): sphinxql: syntax error, unexpected identifier near 'NOW() WHERE id=1' added is timestamp type How can I set the timestamp to NOW()? SELECT NOW(); +------------+ | NOW() | …

webigorkievwebigorkiev · 2021-02-18 · 1 · #492

Improve killlist tests

https://github.com/manticoresoftware/manticoresearch/pull/1660 was recently fixed. Let's cover the fix with a test.

sanikolaevsanikolaev · 2023-12-25 · 1 · #1691

after daemon stopped executer left

on linux after daemon got stopped the manticore-executor left in the background. The daemon should seng SIGTERM signal to buddy process instead of the SIGKILL

tomatologtomatolog · 2024-05-23 · 2 · #2021


response time is much higher than max_query_time

mysql> select * from name where match('ов') option max_query_time=1000; show meta; ERROR 1064 (42000): table name: +----------------+--------------+ | Variable_name | Value | +----------------+--------------+ | error | table name: | | warning | query …

klirichekklirichek · 2024-05-23 · 0 · #1980


Mysqldump + mysql restore bug

Describe the bug Есть RT-индекс, заполняется скриптом (SQL-запросами), заполняется успешно, без ошибок. Индекс создан через файл конфига: index rt_47newsru_articles { type = rt path = /var/lib/manticore/rt_47newsru_articles # stored fields # stored_fields …

KarelWinterskyKarelWintersky · 2024-05-23 · 14 · #1924


Fulltext search efficiency improvement

Consider the request: SELECT ut FROM listing WHERE match('T14180 "2004 фауна китайский гороскоп 5 м"/0.5') LIMIT 0,100 OPTION max_predicted_time=100, max_matches=100; Meta: +---------------------+---------------------+ | Variable_name | Value | …

starinacoolstarinacool · 2024-01-10 · 0 · #1653


Invalid JSON in Elasticsearch /_update/ endpoint crashes searchd

Bug Description: CREATE TABLE my_table(test int); INSERT INTO my_table VALUES(1234, 0); curl -X POST -d '{ "doc": { "test2: 2 } }' Backtrace: 0# sphBacktrace(int, bool) in /usr/bin/searchd 1# CrashLogger::HandleCrash( …

duk-37duk-37 · 2024-07-26 · 0 · #2448
